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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


The uMatrix add-on for Firefox seems to do what you want.

Key servers can be dishonest, so you need to have another way of verifying that the key you receive is correct.

“A brief search showed that the applicant gave false statements in their VISA application form, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §1546. Lifetime ban applied.”

What about the centuries of imperialism here and there

Have you ever seen the statistics? The DPAs are massively underfunded and the Irish DPC in particular is notorious for ignoring complaints, to the point where the EU is considering launching infringement procedures against Ireland for not properly enforcing the GDPR. If you think they will take action on a complaint like this, you will get disappointed.

On the other hand, petitioning the courts to intervene is probably easier than you think. In some member states you don’t even need a lawyer, so all it takes is a bit of time and some court fees. I’m not saying it’s the preferred option, but realistically it is the shortest path to a result.

The DPC is almost certainly going to ignore complaints like this. You can choose between suing meta or suing the DPC.

DPAs don’t have the resources to take action on every single complaints. You can sue the controller or processor directly under article 79 if you want to be sure that an issue gets dealt with quickly.

Using a VPN does exactly nothing against cookies or device fingerprinting.

You can virtualize a TPM, but you can’t obtain a valid endorsement key.

This system would use cryptography and hardware to make sure that you are unable to lie about any of this. Basically, there is a chip inside your CPU that contains special keys installed by the manufacturer. However, this chip only activates itself when it detects that your device is running the approved software. Furthermore, it is made (almost) impossible to open this chip and retrieve the keys without destroying it.

I beg to differ. It’s indeed possible to scrape and store any comment indefinitely, but there are certainly ways to limit the size and prevalence of that happening. With rate limiting, bot detection and legal enforcement you can reduce the likelihood that someone will scrape and store all your comments. By accepting that everything will be scraped, you are unnecessarily conceding privacy.