• 16 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 03, 2021


There’s as well !monero!monero@lemmy.ml which I guess halted in favor of !monero!monero@monero.town?

If this is the case, I’m wondering why not locking the community, writing a message in the community information to go to the actual active one (!monero!monero@monero.town)…

I’m not aware of any, do you mind sharing anyone, better if not requiring account?

BTW I can easily find blogs about p2p solutions for whatever, but not about p2p blogging solutions…

The issue with social networks is the account requirement. Even though decentralized, they still require servers with accounts. If you, to prevent not being able to access at some point included an email, and the server gets hacked, then there you go.

Perhaps is a mistake of mine, to think social networks are not anonymous enough. Maybe they are. But tracking mechanisms are so sophisticated now a days, than the need for an account make me think they won’t ever be. That’s why I excluded social networks. Perhaps it’s the only option as of Today though.

anonymous blog preserving author identifier digital signature or similar
Hello ! I'm wondering if there's some blogging mechanism which would allow some sort of unique digital signature (PGP perhaps) to prevent personification, but which allows non traceable and fully anonymous author. Not looking for blockchain like stuff (apart from the layer Monero adds, blockchains are totally transparent, traceable and non anonymous). Not looking for bigotry, attacking people or anything like that. The idea is to be able to share ideas, even corporate related, without being afraid of retaliations whether at work, corporations or governments. Expressing something at pubic might bring unexpected consequences, particularly if not aligned by the corporation one works on if that's the case, or might provoke AI, bots, or paid/unpaid people looking around, to include anyone in a particular list, without even warning the writer about it. So I was looking if such thing is possible, and if it exists. Social networks of course wouldn't be an option, they're not anonymous, and at contrary can be used to cross-reference and trace people. If such solution doesn't exist, I'm wondering if something based on gnuNet might get close, although gnuNet is not meant to make users anonymous. Or perhaps something based on i2p. Of course the digital signature should be used exclusively for the blog posting, and can't be associated to any real email, host, or whatever... Feedback on the blog posts should also be allowed to anonymous people with their own unique digital signatures. But this is harder, since depending on the technology, not sure if moderation would be allowed, or even if it would make sense, in which case, no blog feedback should be allowed, though no feedback is really a down side for blog posts. Maybe allowing just the original post to remove feedback. Some other down side, but that's unavoidable, is the lack of non on thread feedback, meaning giving feedback through email or any other medium, since if that was available would make the writer non anonymous... If such thing is not available, and eventually based on something like gnuNet or i2p, most probably clients would be needed to write blogs but another one that would offer some sort of RSS/atom functionality for the blog to be accessible from current RSS/atom readers.

umap on french servers, and umap is between other things an API on top of open streetmap…

Is that correct?

I has improved quite a bit. The phone app still requires navigating over its settings to get less battery consumption, and having ntfy or any other unifiedPush notification provider available in the phone. But with the default configs, you get Jami working at least. I tried it before, and I found before synchronization between devices was a mess. Currently it just works. I still find it hard on immediate/urgent calls or messages, which might not happen when you expect, but other than that it’s working.

On the desktop, the default configs are pretty sane.

And the best part, it’s being actively developed. And the UI is undergoing through lots of improvements. So if usability is your concern, it’s getting better, and each release improves over the prior one…

The audit is true, but at least Jami didn’t make up its own crypto lib, it uses standard already in use crypto stuff. To there’s a huge difference there.

BTW, they are actually re-writing stuff… But yes, they need more recent audits…

Have you read it’s github front page?

This is an experimental cryptographic network library. It has not been formally audited by an independent third party that specializes in cryptography or cryptanalysis. Use this library at your own risk.

BTW, if you look at its issues (including closed ones, which most probably aren’t really closed) you’ll find pretty interesting discussions about its crypto not being right. That said, I’m not sure what irungentoo brings to the picture…

At any rate, if you’re looking for distributed messaging, I’d look into Jami. It also uses DHT and something similar to torrents mechanism. Jami is my only option so far for distributed messaging. There’s also Briar, but I don’t like it for regular messaging, particularly on phones (too much battery usage), neither its underlying technology, but if it’s to your liking, then that’s another option for distributing messaging.

The phone doesn’t poll, instead it goes to sleep, and gets awakened by the push notifications. Just like GCM/FCM ones. Part of the key thing, because not any one can self host, is that it requires very little information in comparison, and some providers are open source and even free SW. The one I use is ntfy, there’s the next cloud (next push), and not long ago you can use the conversation push service (up.conversation.im) through the Convesations xmpp client. I was aware of Conversations capable of becoming a unified push distributor, but actually was looking for it to use a unified push distributor instead.

But I was informed already it’s not necessary, and doesn’t make much sense, by being very low power consumer, even though it requires to keep unrestricted battery consumption on the background. So no issues by Conversations not supporting using a unified push notifications distributor.

It depends on the distributor:


And how much info they collect. I understand the ntfy requires is really bare minimum compared to what GCM/FCM asks and collects.

On mobile, it’s sort of a needed if you one doesn’t wand to use GCM/FCM which is really bad privacy wise, and particularly needed on peer to peer applications, because they tend to drain the battery…

Some other benefit is that for those who can, they can self-host ntfy, nextcloud with unified push provider, and so on…

On the list of apps supporting unifid push, I even see element (matrix), but I don’t identify any xmpp one:


Yeap, I noticed it being a unified push distributor, actually in its settings on can find the option to enable it.

OK, I won’t worry about battery usage then. But the argument about unified push notifications not being useful, but the GCM/FCM actually found useful is somehow hard to understand. But I understand what you’re saying about battery usage. Thanks a lot !

xmpp android app with omemo and unified push notifications support
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/12692350 > Anyone aware of a conversations fork with support for unified push notifications? Or a similar xmpp android app with omemo (just the same as conversations' support) and unified push notifications support, available through the official f-droid repor or a f-droid repo if not available from the official ones? > > BTW, I noticed [!xmpp@lemmy.ml](https://lemmy.ml/c/xmpp) community was locked. Any particular reason for that? Also, Converstions requests to set unrestricted use of battery, to use battery under background without restrictions. So it seems unified push notifications would help, though this [github issue](https://github.com/iNPUTmice/Conversations/issues/4014#issuecomment-783151358) sort of indicates unified push notifications wouldn't help, so it just tells me there's no intention to include support for it on Conversations, but not that it wouldn't help save battery.

If the distro supports apparmor, then firejail + apparmor offer together sandboxing for quite a set of applications (apparmor includes few profiles by itself, but firejal has quite a few, and one can enable apparmor on all, or the ones wnated). Arch has pretty good wikies about firejail + apparmor.

Jami doesn’t require a phone number, which is p2p. Xmpp (+ Omemo) doesn’t require a phone number and it’s federated… I mean, if a service is willing to rid of phone numbers, it’ll do totally without them.

Being using mull for so long, even when it was not available on f-droid official repos, but only divestos f-droid repo.

The only thing really bothering on mull is a config one really must change, security.OCSP.require, the default to true prevents reaching several sites. But other than that mull shouldn’t get in your way, and one can change other config to one’s liking if in need.

Jami with unifiedPush notifications is a pretty good option

very few, and one has to try so many times… I gave up. I guess RSS feeds whenever possible. though that consumes disk if local, so I’m really reluctant…

Ohh, that’s an android app. I use PC/laptop to check on subs… Thanks any ways !

That’s so sad. So perhaps it’s time to say goodbye to reddit frontends, :( I’d prefer to setup rss feeds, but even those are getting rate limited now a days.

Sadly, even with the movement to lemmy, several interesting technical subs are still strong on reddit. The thing with local feeds, is disk space, and self-host is something I can’t do at the moment. At any rate, with the last libreddit front end down, I can’t even easily get the subs I was locally subscribed to, :(

Oh well…

Are libreddit frontends for reddit already non functional?
I started some time ago using a teddit frontend with local subscriptions, and at some point it was hard for the one I picked to keep up, then I moved to libreddit, at that time libredd.it, then it stopped working and moved to libreddit.spike.codes, but it seems it stopped working as well, and finally I moved to libreddit .mha.fi, but some time back there was too much rate limiting, making it unusable, and since yesterday it seems totally down, giving the error "502 Bad Gateway". I also have the libRedirect extension on Librewolf configure to choose among several libreddit instances (so when searching for something any is picked), and most of them seem out of service, or being rate limited as well. So, are frontends for reddit finally coming to an end? Edit: Indeed, it seems at least non self-hosted front-end instances are way rate limited or down

It depends on what you want. I encourage people to use Jami (distributed, so might be a thing, if not self-hosting your own service, since what is said decentralized in reality is a set of centralized services). If too hard, then XMPP + OMemo. And only then, Matrix (by design it gives up more meta data than XMPP).

1.- jami 2.- xmpp + omemo 3.- matrix 4.- signal

It’s hard no one cares. Where I live everyone uses whatsapp, and unfortunately what comes closer, and still without enough users base is signal on my list, and it’s the last. Jami is distributed, which makes it best in class, and there are good efforts trying to make it not to steal the whole battery, as opposed to briar. I which more people were interested on not using centralized stuff, not even what has been called lately decentralized, which means centralized but with several central points (only if everyone self hosts it would be decentralized, which is not the case). Currently I use Jami and signal, though I’ve tried all those, plus briar, plus tox, even telegram…

comments on [r/privacy](https://libreddit.mha.fi/r/privacy/comments/15mk8kl/zoom_wont_use_your_calls_to_train_ai_without)

BTW, if using only apkmirror and apkpure as sources for apks, I’d recommend apkgrabber instead of their own binary apps

it’s not just osm instead of gmaps for the FOSS version. It’s NOT using google push notificationss neither gapps at all. Using sockets instead of push notifications. It makes molly FOSS being more battery hungry, but at least it’s not using google stuff. Not sure if the dev would be willing to integrate suipport for unified push for the FOSS version, that’d be even better…

also on [r/privacy](https://libreddit.mha.fi/r/privacy/comments/158xbsc/googles_nightmare_web_integrity_api_wants_a_drm)

AFAIK, most indexes ddg uses come from bing. So it’s not really a search engine with its own indexes on its own. I’d suggest using SearX, and if one is willing to sacrifice a bit of privacy over some data and stats gathering, then SearxNG.


searx and searxng are not search engines, and searx is more private (searxng collects info from users, which searx never wanted to). AFAIK duckduckgo is neither a search engine on its own, it uses blink…

cross-posted from: https://midwest.social/post/651490 also on [r/privacy](https://libreddit.mha.fi/r/privacy/comments/1494tjp/an_antiporn_app_put_him_in_jail_and_his_family) > A court used an app called Covenant Eyes to surveil the family of an Indiana man released on bond. Now he’s back in jail, and tech misuse may be to blame. The app flagged one of the family's devices as having accessed Pornhub even though it didn't, and this was the only evidence used to throw the man back in jail. They didn't even try to prove he was the one who caused the app to flag Pornhub as visited, they just assumed it was him. The article contains multiple levels of "oh my god our system is messed up."

on [r/privacy](https://libreddit.mha.fi/r/privacy/comments/140kj7i/to_save_the_news_we_must_ban_surveillance)

No issues in newpipe, though piped.mha.fi is not a valid URL on newpipe, still searching for the video m3att9ydcxc does it. No issues on freetube either, neither with invidio instances, like:


Which videos? On newpipe 0.25.1 I’m having no issues, but it might be due to the videos, who knows… On freetube I’m not having issues either BTW (though not related to newpipe AFAIK)…

Thanks for the pointer ! And yes, no worries about apkgrabber not getting updates, I just mentioned it, in case the notification update seemed good enough. I do prefer the f-droid way, whenever available, :)

Well, if you’re going to use your browser, no need to search on the Google app store, you can search on apkmirror or apkpure (I prefer apkmirror), you can allow your browser to install apps, and then use apkgrabber to keep the apps up to date… At any rate, there are options…

I do use apkgrabber, but I’ve always got it from:


And it supposed to allow “notification updates” when new versions come out, though it’s been on 1.7.0 for quite some time.

Does izzysoft makes sure not to include apks which are already included in the official f-droid repo? It includes many apks already… And I’d rather grab the ones on official f-droid, with some exceptions, like the newpipe repo, but it doesn’t include anything else but newpipe…


FYI, the “anonymous” login stopped working since mid last week. There’s an “insecure annonymous” login I haven’t tried. So it seems Google doesn’t like Aurora anymore, :) I use APKGrabber with APKMirror, and though a bit less convenient, it works…

BTW, Today at least https://searx.sp-codes.de is working. It might be Google aggressively rate limited several instances, and for some time. And it relaxed those limits after some time.

Thanks !

Didn’t know about this add-on, I’ll try it. I believe the issue is about geoblocking webpages. Thanks !

is searx having problems (no matter the instance)?
I've been having errors like: ``` Error! Engines cannot retrieve results. qwant (unexpected crash) Please, try again later or find another searx instance. (Public instances) ``` Or: ``` Error! Engines cannot retrieve results. brave (HTTP error) Please, try again later or find another searx instance. (Public instances) ``` On both: https://searx.sp-codes.de/search https://searx.info/search Not sure if it's google blocking searx, or similar... Edit: https://searx.sp-codes.de working right now, as well as some other instances... Thanks !

All SMS will now be Intercepted, Screened in Malaysia


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/963701 > Not sure how that will affect libreddit or teddit. That'd would prevent me to get some news on specific channels, which when interesting enough, I brought to lemmy, :) > > [Reddit Wants to Get Paid for Helping to Teach Big A.I. Systems](https://web.archive.org/web/20230418182954/https://nytimes.com/2023/04/18/technology/reddit-ai-openai-google.html) > > [r/technology](https://libreddit.mha.fi/r/technology/comments/12r1lh1/reddit_will_begin_charging_for_access_to_its_api) > > [r/programming](https://libreddit.mha.fi/r/programming/comments/12r0xyz/reddit_will_begin_charging_for_access_to_its_api/) > > [r/privacy](https://libreddit.mha.fi/r/privacy/comments/12r1tjk/reddit_to_start_charging_for_api_access_so_ai)

According to [libreddit](https://github.com/libreddit/libreddit): > Official instance (libreddit.spike.codes) > > The official instance is hosted at https://libreddit.spike.codes. And it's also still listed on [libreddit-instances](https://github.com/libreddit/libreddit-instances/blob/master/instances.md) But Today it hadn't worked for me at all.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/823051 > [r/Futurology](https://libreddit.spike.codes/r/Futurology/comments/11kywcq/a_group_of_researchers_has_achieved_a)