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Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


They literally will do that. GDPR shows that they will go after big American companies (That’s the point, a huge chunk of this is protectionism to build a tech industry in the EU that they control)

I mean, the Linux lmza exploit was found by a Microsoft engineer. Just because dollars exchange hands doesn’t mean the data provided is invalid.

Companies hire Jepsen to validate their code for example, and you’d be a damn fool not to accept their analysis.

Rossman has a vendetta against Apple ever since he got caught importing counterfeit batteries (You can’t slap the Apple logo on batteries that Apple did not make, even if you call them “refurbished”)

Zoom’s about to try and claim their click through EULA trumps client-attorney privilege. Let’s see how that goes for them.

They literally had to be called out for link jacking and tried to deny it for awhile. They’re anything be open. They are giant pieces of shit.

Brave’s been super shady its entire existence. They’ve been caught linkjacking and accepting “donations” for websites that don’t have accounts (so theft via fraud).