Developer. Feminist. Ecologist. Used to be a protection Paladin.

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Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Which is, in that case, Windows 10 in a Wine bottle. can’t run Windows games directly on macOS, like it does on Linux with Proton. So you have to install the Windows version of Steam in a Wine bottle to be able to install and run Windows games from Steam on macOS

The Steam client running through GPTK is the Windows client

YSK that Steam counts Macs running Windows games through Game Porting ToolKit as Windows machines.

Game developers will do the bare minimum. IMO they won’t bother with a native Linux build if their games run good enough through Proton, at least for the time being.

Linux needs to get more market share, like way more, to move things unfortunately. I know the feeling very well. It was the case on Mac when Bootcamp was still a thing, even though macOS had great OpenGL support.

I don’t know how Windows games are counted when they are executed in a Linux environment but I do know that Windows games executed on macOS through GPTK are counted as Windows environment, which is dumb.

Anyway, good to see Linux holding strong. I’ve been waiting for this since Hardy Heron