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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2023


I am going to hop on this post to ask, if anyone has used a linux tablet for school? I am studying and have some regular classes like Math where I want to use a tablrt instead of paper. Some classmates have iPads and while there is some great software available, I would prefer something FOSS. Pine64 have tablets. Did anybode use them for thungs like pdf markups and math equation drawing? As it is my education and I havent been able to find an equivelantly good software I almost want to cave and by a shitpad so I can stop breaking my back with huge books for wich epubs are available.

The easiest way by far is to intimidate you to give up your phone password and hand over the messages.

XKCD for refference: https://xkcd.com/538/