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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’m staying sceptical about these rumours for now until something more substantial comes to light, as currently it is just the Telegram CEO throwing shade at Signal, and the Signal CEO throwing shade back at Telegram

Thanks llandar, I’ll have a listen

Thanks, I do run my own server so this is a possibility

Thanks. Yeah I found Barinsta but saw it hadn’t been updated in years. I’ll have a look around and report back.

Thanks MrSoup, do you have any suggestions on a good frontend for Instagram?

Thanks, yeah I’m always on a VPN, but as you suggested, maybe nowadays it’s not about trying to live without an account, but having the account with generic/fake profile data.

Oh I hadn’t heard of Beeper. Thanks I’ll look in to that.

Thanks, yeah I had thought about using separate SIMs to sign up but then, like you said, would still need to sync contacts.

Although I hadn’t really though about only using the desktop apps.

I do run ProtonVPN on all of my devices, daily drive Linux on my PC and laptop, and have GrapheneOS as my ROM. So device privacy is not really the issue. This is more about not wanting to have accounts with the likes of Meta who have time and time again shown that they are completely against user privacy, but I feel it is more and more difficult to live without as most people don’t know/don’t care about personal privacy.

Thanks for your comment Deckweiss. To reply to your assumptions I’m not American and am definitely not young.

I’d be interested to hear about how your and your friends learn about local events without any access to the main channels that seem to be used by most venues, i.e. Facebook and Instagram, as I’d happily take some advice on this.

Also, as per my original post, it is not about meeting new people, that I have no problem with, it is about the inevitable conversation when they exclusively use WhatsApp to stay in contact.

What is the cost of privacy?
I have been pro privacy and anti data harvesting for many years now, however it is becoming increasingly more difficult staying off some platforms. Mostly Meta. Over the years I have convinced most of my friends and family to use Signal instead of WhatsApp. However, there are still chat groups that I am missing from, and trying to keep up to date with local events seems next to impossible without Facebook or Instagram. Additionally, I am finding it more and more tiring to have the awkward "No I don't have WhatsApp. No I don't have Facebook either. Or Instagram, sorry. Do you want to try an app that you've never heard of to stay in contact with me?" every time I meet someone new. I saddens me that it feels like the multi-billion dollar data harvesting companies are winning, but I no longer know if this is a hill that I'm willing to die on. What are your thoughts on what we have to give up in our lives just to stay in control of our personal information?

I just used a throwaway email to initially sign up to get the Key, then deleted the app. Was very easy.

I’d second the recommendation for Gadgetbridge and would add most of the Amazfit watches to the list. I have the Amazfit GTS 4 and it has run flawlessly with Gadgetbridge.

In the UK the max for contactless payments is £100 and contactless is now the norm, so a shielded wallet would be highly recommended.