Hi!!! I’m a strategist/entrepreneur/software engineer/activist, focusing on the intersection of justice, equity, and software engineering. I’ve been on the fediverse for a long time and am currently checking out /KBin. @jdp23@indieweb.social is my main account on

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Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


It’s all true. WTF indeed. Here’s a letter from over 90 LGBTQ and human rights organizations with more detail. EFF’s article from in May, which is the one they linked to in the original article, has good info to.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/1163015 > EFF writes: > > >KOSA has laudable goals, but it also presents significant unintended consequences that threaten the privacy, safety, and access to information rights of young people and adults alike. Teenagers already understand that this sweeping legislation is more about censorship than safety. Now we just need to make sure Congress does, as well. > > Take action! If you're in the US, Use EFF's page to [Tell Congress: KOSA Will Censor the Internet But Won't Help Kids](https://act.eff.org/action/tell-congress-kosa-will-censor-the-internet-but-won-t-help-kids) > > And please help get the word out! Four ways to hep: > > 1. Cross-post this link to communities and magazines where it's on-topic > 2. Upvote and share the other links in !bad_internet_bills@lemmy.sdf.org > 3. If you're on Mastodon, check out the #KOSA hashtag and boost the posts you see there > 4. Tell your friends on other social networks as well.

Not exactly. These bills cut across party lines and there’s a lot of desire to be able to pass something – “think of the children!” So if anything the overall gridlock makes it more likely that these bills will pass. So the dynamics that led to stopping the bills last year was a combination of activists making enough noise, and privacy and digital rights groups pressing the case in meetings with legislators (as well as some grassroots groups with good relationships with their legislators). As a result, that Dem leadership decided not to move the bills to the floor, so the vote never happened.

Agreed, other laws are needed as well as this. The ADPPA consumer privacy bill is likely to get reintroduced later this session; last year’s version had some good features but also a lot of weaknesses, and big tech companies and data brokes are pushing to further weaken it. So it’ll be a battle to strengthen and pass it.

But ADPPA doesn’t apply to government agencies (and that’s not likely to change) so bills like Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale are important complements!

No, bipartisan legislative support. It’s got bipartisan co-sponsorship both in the House (Warren Davidson is an R, Sara Jacobs is a D) and Senate (Rand Paul is an R, Ron Wyden is a D). And House Judiciary Committee just voted 30-0 to advance it.

Of course as you say we don’t know what’s happening behind closed doors, and there are also legislators in both parties who aren’ supportive, but there really is bipartisan support for this.

It’s a plausible theory but at the House Judiciary Committee everybody in both parties voted “yes”! We’ll see what happens as things move forward. In the Senate, Rand Paul is a co-sponsor and Mike Lee’s a likely yes vote, so it’s not likely to be straight party-line.

The House Judiciary Committee advanced the bill 30-0. “This bill is the latest sign of bipartisan support in Congress to tackle the government’s warrantless purchase of American’s personal data, such as location information and internet records, in circumvention of the Fourth Amendment and statutory protections,” Caitriona Fitzgerald, deputy director of EPIC wrote in a statement. “We’re seeing some incredible leadership on the hill and off the hill,” said Sean Vitka, policy counsel for Demand Progress. “The House has made it clear they want to close the data broker loophole, full stop,” he said.

Thanks! Those are links to the version of the bill from last session; this year, the bill number in the House is HR 4639 and the text is at https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/hr-4639-bill-text.pdf

That EFF action alert is also from last session, and has the old bill number; they don’t have a new one up yet as far as I know. So I linked to Free Press’ action page, which is more up-to-date.

We’ll see. Cynicism is certainly justified – it’s very hard to pass a good privacy bill, and last year even though everybody supported it, it died in committee. On the other hand, it really does have bipartisan support, and there Congress is deadlocked in so many areas that they have an incentive to pass something.

Also, people I’ve talked to at EFF, ACLU, and Free Press all think that grassroots activism can help make a difference, and that right now is a key time … so it’s worth a try.

Thank you very much, that’s a great point – I’ll update the post to include it!

***UPDATE** : [The House Judiciary Committee advanced the bill unanimously, 30-0!](https://www.freepress.net/news/press-releases/house-judiciary-advances-legislation-would-restrict-authorities-violating-privacy-rights). It still has to pass the full House, and then the Senate, so please still contact your legislators!* The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act closes the legal loophole that allows data brokers to sell Americans’ personal information to law enforcement and intelligence agencies without any court oversight. The House Judiciary Committee has a markup session on the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act tomorrow (July 19), and if all goes well, the committee will advance a (potentially-amended) version of the bill ... a huge step forward! The bill has bipartisan support, but intelligence agencies and law enforcement don't like it, and they have a lot of leverage in Congress. So if you're in the US, please contact your Congresspeople and ask them to support the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act. Here's three easy ways -- pick whichever one works for you: - **On the web** : [Free Press has a page with a web form that makes it easy](https://act.freepress.net/sign/fourth_amendment_not_for_sale_act). - **Using SMS, Telegram, WhatsApp, Messenger, or Instagram** : use https://resist.bot/ to send a message like *Please co-sponsor and pass the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act to close the privacy loophole that lets government agencies purchase location-tracking data without a warrant* . - **By phone** Call the House switchboard at **202-225-3121**. Tell them your name and address, and that you want to send a message to your Representatives to *support HR 4639, the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act, and close the privacy loophole that lets government agencies purchase location-tracking data without a warrant.*