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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Feb 13, 2024


they are screwing it on purpose to make room for their AI

The vast majority of users want something that simply works, is polished and intuitively usable.

That’s exactly what matrix most popular client Element does.

Which is important but it’s not enough to counteract the amount of basic quality of life stuff that is just absolutely trash garbage on Matrix

The thread is about discord adding ads in their platform, so much of user experience… there’s no such trash on matrix

You don’t need to be a technical user to use matrix you simply don’t have to be closed minded

I still don’t get why people keep defending it.

With microsoft being the most valuated company in the world rest assured that many of the people defending their products are getting paid to do it.

If linux had all these settings on installation everyone would be saying that it’s to hard for normies to install