How tragic that man can never realize how beautiful life is until he is face to face with death.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


Is there a way to clear messages from the disk other than by deleting the Signal Desktop app itself or is that sufficient?

I’ve used VeraCrypt successfully to encrypt volumes/folders.

It’s worked great for me, although I recently started encountering issues accessing files but it seems the problem is with my external and not with the encryption method. Hopefully I can recover those files someday. Backup your backups and then backup again.

I don’t know about Lyft apps, but Uber still lets you use the browser.

Ah, damn. I didn’t know that. Coincidentally, I also already have Privacy Badger.

Thanks, by the way!

Also wondering how much more effective Arkenfox is to tightened security settings, uBlock, Decentraleyes, Ghostery, etc. on Firefox?

I use Ubuntu Budgie and that works perfect for me, but I hear Mint is good for beginners too.

And if you live in the US, always use a VPN when torrenting. But if you live in a country where you know no one will give a shit about you downloading a movie, then have at it.

In terms of digital security best practices, though, you should pretty much always use a VPN anyway. And follow this guide if you feel like you do need a VPN when torrenting.

As that quotation said, it mostly affects innocent immigrants getting implicated in crimes they weren’t even involved in.

And most immigrant detainees are people of color:

This expanded DNA collection worsens racial disparities in the criminal justice system, as it disproportionately affects communities of color. Black and Latino men are already overrepresented in DNA databases, and adding nearly a million new profiles of immigrant detainees, mostly people of color, will further skew the existing 21 million profiles in CODIS.

Studies suggest that increasing DNA database profiles does not significantly improve crime-solving rates, with the number of crime-scene samples being more relevant. Additionally, inclusion in a DNA database increases the risk of innocent individuals being implicated in crimes. This expanded DNA collection worsens racial disparities in the criminal justice system, as it disproportionately affects communities of color.

I, frankly, am shocked.

Damn, this is absolutely terrible. I never heard this before.

Does this also apply to people applying for US citizenship?

I have premium and I have no idea. I just pay it to support them.

It’s an excellent password manager. I love it!