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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 29, 2023


It is possible to replace them, with a little research. Or just taking them to a phone repair shop if you’re too anxious for that

This is great info, thank you so much! That definitely gives me more things to consider

Damn, that really sucks, I’m sorry :(

I do agree that the lack of a headphone jack absolutely kills me. It’s a reason I haven’t pulled the trigger either way on a new phone yet. On the one hand, I want a secure degoogled phone that maintains a lot of functionality with GOS. On the other, I want a modern phone with a headphone jack a la Sony. I go back and forth constantly.

Have people forgotten about the used market? Buying things second hand is the way.

Why not buy a used one? I plan on picking one up from ebay or something.


Signed, a chick who gives negative shits about other people’s babies.

Thank you for this! Didn’t know it was a thing, I’ll do that.

This alone would make me more likely to switch back to iPhone, as much as I hate the walled garden. “Just switch to a private messenger app” doesn’t really work when no one else uses them. I’ve even gotten all of my family to try Signal, but they dropped it in favor of going back to imessage. It’s extremely frustrating, far from ideal, but it is what it is.

Google reading my messages at all, even if it’s “oPt OuT”, is a complete non starter.

That’s nice do you, but this is a privacy community. I don’t think it’s weird to think it’s weird that a robot that connects to wifi maps out my house. Don’t like it, don’t want it.

OK cool! Sorry for all the questions, I’m looking into getting one and would like it to be as dumb as possible haha. Thanks!

Would you mind telling me which model you have? I’m looking to pick one up used on ebay or something :)