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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


Unionizing and striking are effective, but they’ll stop being effective if they become illegal. They’re already less effective than they should be, because of legal restrictions.

Protesting is only useful for getting in the news and convincing people to consider certain issues when they vote. They will never directly cause change.

And boycotting is just plain worthless. You’ll never get enough people to join a boycott for large corporations to care.

If it doesn’t have any legitimacy, then the only option left is to assassinate people until legitimacy is restored.

If you aren’t killing people, then vote.

Corporations love for you to be distracted with the methods that are futile.

That’s why saying not to vote is pro-corporation.

It doesn’t presuppose that at all. The only way to get that option is shift the overton window to the left, and the only way to do that is to vote for the candidate on the left, even if they’re not as far left as we’d like.

Voting and calling representatives is a futile approach. They’re a distraction at best.

That’s conservative, pro-corporation propaganda.