Graphic designer, home labber, food junkie. I break expensive things. I usually can’t fix them.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I love my Nextcloud instance, too. Zero problems in the past 4 years. I don’t run many extensions on it, though. The mobile app works great as well.

Trillium plus its sync server in a VM is my goto for notes. Mobile isn’t a problem (I usually drops everything into my notes app, then expand on it when I’m in front of a full keyboard at home).

Not sure how I could get through my day without either of these two.

Media I don’t take as seriously as other backups. Except for a few hard to find ISO’s, I have a Fractal R5 case that I’ve crammed full of all the rando extra drives I have sitting round, and pool those all together in TrueNAS. So far it’s more than the total storage of my media NAS. It gets a monthly backup automatically.

This is the one I use and it’s awesome. Allows you to upload to nextcloud or most other providers.

Nothing to hide, but also nothing I want to share either…

If you were in with Mozilla VPN while it was in beta (for $4.99/month), you can keep that price for life as long as you have an active sub. I got lucky with that one.

“It’s not that I have nothing to hide, it’s that I have nothing I want to share.”