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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


It still can be. However, it’s often just a demonstration rather than a protest.

The king doesn’t reset the government and him interfering with our politics would probably lead to more support for us to be a republic.

There is a balance between authoritarianism and sensible regulation. China is too far one way, the USA is too far the other way. Freedom comes from the abilitiy for more people to live their lives as they please.

Protesting is important. Protecting civil rights is important. Australia goes too far on quashing disriptive protest, but is tolerant of peaceful organised protest. Disruptive protest is more effective.

Lol, no. That’s a very USA and guns culture centred view. Australia has weapons. We just don’t allow everyone to have them willy nilly. You need a licence and to properly store them. We see it as sensible and lament the deaths of all the USA children who die for so called freedom. It’s much more free here.

However this is a worrying sign of overreach. Luckily the USA has no such laws, like the patriot Act or the current proposal to register your address against online accounts. You know, to protect the children you’re all so fond of killing.