Building a better web for all of us:

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


I got someone to use Signal recently, because I don’t text outside of it. Last week, she asked me why that is. I sent this Bruce Schneier essay on the eternal value of privacy to someone who knows absolutely nothing about tech, and she understood.

I’m gonna try it again next time it comes up with someone else. I think this essay does a really good job of putting it into perspective, so I’m hoping this is the silver bullet I can continue to send when someone asks.

Overall, in general, I try to keep it in real world terms. Why do you close the door when you go to the bathroom? Why do you lock your doors? Why do you have curtains/blinds? etc., along with what some other intelligent people responded here.

It hurts all over
🙃 ![privacy headache](

Pixel with GrapheneOS.

Started using it last year and enjoyed it so much that a few weeks ago I started a GrapheneOS installation service called SwapMyOS.

I created it to keep GrapheneOS funded and running. (I kick back a percentage of revenue to the nonprofit.)

I’ve never understood this either, given the whole notion and enthusiasm behind decentralization. I get the trade-offs regarding privacy, security, and convenience, but if you’re really tryna start a movement, and you really believe in the concept and principles of something like cryptocurrency, it seems like your communities and communication channels should also reflect similar values.