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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


Sorry, my sarcasm didn’t translate through text.

It does indeed have “I’m always wearing a condom” vibes, even if we’re at dinner

What do you mean? You prefer services that advertise that they are definitely 80% legit, it just depends on who your sales guy is?

Try another WM and see if you still have issues

You sure that’s not a WM problem?

FWIW, Ubuntu 20.04, i3wm, no problems with Firefox

Uh, my main browser is Firefox on windows. I’m what cases does YouTube or twitch not work? I don’t use twitch anymore, but as of 4 years ago it was working fine. YouTube works fine as of last night for me

Water has the ability to make things wet but is not wet in and of itself.

That’s unfortunate. While it’s no longer a requirement, I do like the options it presents. Guess I’ll be looking for an alternative when my subscription expires