Middle-aged gamer/creative/wiki maintainer
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Can’t believe you forgot the usage limits on how many tweets you can view and how many DMs you can send. I think some of those might have been walked back, but I know people who were holding back from discord because twitter DMs were enough that now rarely go there.

Also all sorts of API functionality has been killed off - embeds, RSS, bots, etc

Well, we can agree on that! Make paying contributors the cheaper option.

I won’t hold my breath though. :')

I did already say I don’t expect this to ever change, so “sorry mate,” but you’re not exactly telling me anything I don’t know here.

But I suspect this was a knee-jerk rant typed before bothering to read past what you quoted. Oh well. Good thing I can still stand against something even if I don’t expect it to change much.

Paying individual users isnt feasible

Sounds like their problem to solve, not mine.

Framing this solely as fear is extremely disingenuous. Speaking only for myself: I’m not against the development of AI or LLMs in general. I’m against the trained models being used for profit with no credit or cut given to the humans who trained it, willing or unwilling.

It’s not even a matter of “if you aren’t the paying customer, you’re the product” - massive swaths of text used to train AIs were scraped without permission from sources whose platforms never sought to profit from users’ submissions, like AO3. Until this is righted (which is likely never, I admit, because the LLM owners have no incentive whatsoever to change this behavior), I refuse to work with any site that intends to use my work to train LLMs.