Just a basic programmer living in California

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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 23, 2024


To start the firewall after you stopped it:

sudo systemctl start firewalld

systemctl is part of systemd - it starts and stops various services, shows statuses, lists available services, etc.

There is documentation on opening ports here, plus more details on enabling & disabling the firewall: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/firewalld/#_controlling_ports_using_firewalld

Yes, I meant Overwatch 2. They switched all the servers over so it replaced Overwatch 1. In my mind it’s an update (albeit a big update), not really a different game.

Basically all Overwatch for a while for me. I group up with my kids and my brother which is a lot of fun!

As for upcoming games, I’m interested in trying Space Simulator if it ends up running on Linux.