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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Literally went from being my favorite company to just an unethical bag of poo for me. Hope whoever’s forcing these engineers to create privacy invading spyware eats a bag of dicks.

I’m guessing you remembered them by their ip addresses too huh. Fuck DNS

The funny part is he started working for a venture capital firm (Searchlight) after he left office that invested heavily in various isps and telcos. It’s like American politicians invented the most advanced bribery system and no one even blinks an eye, this is just disgusting.

Remote government employees and contractors are required to use a vpn to connect to their work network. Any tech savvy business is using vpns to secure their remote employees work.

I don’t know what greedy idiot came up with this bill or is lobbying for it but the only ones with vested interest in violating your privacy like this is maybe big tech and isps.