• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


Agreed, hopefully i2p adoption ramps up.

No update in over a year. Is the project still maintained?

Interesting, when I signed up I didn’t need a phone number, just email. Lmk if you’d like an invite code (if that’s even necessary anymore?)

Beeper is just a reskinned Element messenger. The devs behind it are also the ones who built all the bridges everyone uses.

Beeper users who message other Matrix/Beeper users it should be fully e2ee as it’d be no different from using Element or another Matrix client.

But, it would be nice to get more clarification at a high-level as to how they handle the message relaying.

Replace the native ad-riddled platform with another?

I must give props to Brave Search for its AI summarizer, which suprisingly does a pretty good job at using high quality sources from its index to give you a brief synopsis of the query.

For sure, email is an insecure means of communication. But, that wasn’t the request of the OP. They’re not asking for an e2ee messenger recommendation, but thoughts on PM. And I provided an honest suggestion that they simply cannot be trusted, regardless of whether or not they complied because “it’s the law”.

Tutanota. Or any other e2ee email provider that still has a good reputation of not spying on behalf of a gov request.

Considering PM is basically a honeypot at this point (can’t trust they’re not monitoring with a gag order preventing warrant canary), I wouldn’t recommend them even to my enemies.

Why not just host your own lemmy instance on a cheap vps and be satisfied you’re the only admin heh