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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Some are and some aren’t. Like a lot of folks on here are here because reddit went to shit.

Ok that’s fine but google’s searches are shit nowadays too.

For me they work just fine.

Sure. With google I get more that I search for. It might be bad but it works for me. Ddg does not work for me in the same way. I use just to support is them as an alternative to Google.

Nah, it’s definitely not important enough for me to pay for it.

Will check it out. Would love to use Google search less but nothing really worked for me.

How about actually improving the search results? It’s my default search, which means most of the time I have to do a search twice.

But people started using it for small groups, for some reason. They had somehow amazing PR.

Zoom was used a lot for small groups. Maybe for 500 - 1000 there is not much - not my user case. But people started to use it for small group meetings, and the the audio quality (in the sense how it manages multiple people talking) was always better with other software.

How zoom managed to become a thing, while alternatives already existed and were rather well known is beyond me.