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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


This looks like something you’d see on /r/schizophreniarides

Side note but has that or InfowarriorRides migrated to lemmy yet?

It’s a hardware issue not a software issue. If your laptop can run its webcam and not have the light turn on then it’s bad hardware. Software might get around one exploit, but that doesn’t fix what’s a hardware issue.

The biggest thing is don’t accidentally give away your security questions to reset passwords to anything important.

That’s the same module. The dealer could add their own to the car, but those would be removable. Also on BHPH dealers add shit like that to make repoing the car easier.

It wasn’t until recently that that basically all cars came with tracking built in. Some not that old models (like my 2018 Outback) can easily be bypassed with a quick harness install. But others are integrated into the ECU AMD cannot be removed.

In most cars the telemetry data is stored in a separate computer outside of your head unit. There’s minimal communication between the head unit and the telemetry box. In the case of my Subaru there’s 0 communication, the telematics box just does or doesn’t pass audio to the front speakers. You can also read through the documentation on Carplay and AA. Last I saw there was nothing that allows for any real communication between your head unit and the phone outside of the audio and video signal. Carplay 2 may change things

Being paranoid for paranoia’s sake isn’t productive. All it does is scare off people who may be interested but aren’t willing to cut out every single convenience from their lives.

I don’t understand why everyone seems to be latching on to carplay and android auto in this thread as if it’s the car stealing your data. All carplay and android auto do is take a video feed from your phone an display it on the car’s screen. You still have the privacy issues, but it’s not the car doing anything, they’re the same as if you had a dumb car and google maps up on your phone in a phone mount.

Cars have been doing this for over 20 years at this point. Buying used won’t help unless you go really old.


There are things you can do though.

GM for example you cannot remove OnStar from their vehicles. But with my Subaru removing the starlink module was a ~20 minute procedure. You’ll need an aftermarket harness in order to maintain the front speakers.

Yeah I don’t think a FOSS equivalent will ever exist. Google pay isn’t just an app that gives the machine your card number, it’s an entire payment processing system like a bank.

I know nothing about the i20 since we don’t get it here, but looks like on Hyundais you’ll most likely have to pull the entire factory radio and replace it with an aftermarket one. I believe on my friends Veloster it was a distinct module, but that one was 2g only and since 2g is dead it’s not really doing much.

Maybe if you’re lucky and it’s like my Subaru you can pull the radio, find that BlueLink is it’s own distinct module and just remove it. You’ll most likely have the same issue as me where your speakers and mic won’t work unless you build a custom adapter. I didn’t build my own adapter I found a guy online who does radio harnesses for aftermarket radios and he made a basic adapter for like $20, and a fancy one that lets my mic work for like $100.

It’s entirely dependent on what car you buy, they’re all different. On some cars it’s integral to the ECU or some other component. On other cars like my Subaru it’s a box you just remove, then you’ll need a custom harness to make the speaker audio work again.

Without saying what car it is nobody can help you without saying “just unplug it”.

To be fair the physical remote has had ads in it since the beginning.

Search currently kinda sucks actually inside the fediverse. I tried to find one of those posts before making the comment but gave up because it was worthless.

I’d imagine it’s only a matter of time until someone makes something better, and 3rd parties start mining it. Or we’ll get that nefarious third party with a server just ingesting all our data to sell off.

I can’t imagine that any app that currently exists gives a shit about exploiting your data. Lemmy is too young for that to really be a problem.

The real problem is that nothing on lemmy is private because of it’s federated design. There have been some discussions the last few weeks talking about this, but just about every interaction you do is broadcasted out to every instance, and its social media so of course anyone can see what you post. Things like viewed posts and saved content should stay on your instances server, but assume every other action is public.

Google has made AOSP for years and never banned anyone for using it. They encourage you to tinker with the OS.

The article specifically mentions this which implies that it’s stored on the car.

Berla’s software makes it impossible for vehicle owners to access their communications and call logs but does provide law enforcement with access

But it’s immediately followed up with

Many car manufacturers are selling car owners’ data to advertisers as a revenue boosting tactic

Pretty much all new cars being sold today, most cars in the last 5 years, and a large percentage of cars sold in the last 10 all have some sort of cellular modem that reports back to home base with all sorts of info, then they turn around and sell it. GM has been doing this for 20+ years at this point with on star which is included in almost every car they’ve made.

It’s most likely modern standby (S0 standby) and not a WOL packet.

All modern laptops default to this, and the latest don’t even give you an option to turn it off.

Don’t forget the added feature of your laptop overheating and crashing when you put it into your backpack.

Or my personal favorite is when it doesn’t overheat and crash it drains 20% of it’s battery in 15 minutes then goes into hibernation.