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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


I could, but I personally feel anyone foolish enough to use my blathering deserves the unfortunate consequences.

My idea was for people who felt strongly about keeping their stuff away from the big maws of AI.

Scrape a bunch of Onion articles, link them together in an index, then post an invsible link from your home page that spiders will follow but humans can’t see.

Write a script to randomize the words on all the articles and link them in too. Then change the image tags to point to random wikimedia files.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that there’s very little quality control. Channel your inner Ken Kesey / Merry Prankster. Have fun.

There are two events:

  1. AWS had an outage which froze their backend
  2. They added some sort of caching that messed up when brought up and let users see other devices.

Seems like Problem 1 was with Wyze not handling disaster-recovery properly. Problem 2 is them not testing their new update and setting up proper access controls.

Trying to blame AWS on their own screwup is rich.

There are Bluetooth FIDO security keys out there for 2FA, like: https://thetis.io/products/fido2-ble-security-key. Some implementations can also use a phone, running an app via BLE. Not sure if they use it, but that could be one reason it’s asking for that permission.

Camera permission may be needed for scanning QRCodes to set up 2FA.

We did. Made sure it had a good EnergyStar rating. Not putting major appliance purchase decisions in the hands of a kid :-)

EFF, Signal, Wikimedia, and ACLU.

IRL, local foodbanks, MSF, school, and environmental causes. My wife and in-laws, we pretty much just gift each other donations to charities we each like for holidays and birthdays. Other than an odd book here and there, none of us want more stuff to clutter and toss into landfills.

So far our oldest kid is heading the same way. Lectured us when our 20-yo fridge leaked and we had to get a new one. Asked why we couldn’t just fix it and keep using it :-)