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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


It’s not so much opposition rather than other BSDs having almost negligible desktop presence… If we really want to get into semantics, too, Linux is technically not UNIX.

The people who really think of age verification as effective measures tend to also be against having those in schools in the first place.

The user is describing iOS’ share sheet, which Signal seems to advertise as a feature. The OS isn’t reaching in and grabbing data, Signal is providing data to the OS.

Also note that said user signaled this on the Signal-Android repo, which combined with their inability to find this info, when i don’t even own an iOS device, makes me think they aren’t the most observant user out there.

First two sentences of that readme:

Valetudo is a cloud replacement for vacuum robots enabling local-only operation. It is not a custom firmware.

Facebook, Google et al. literally just said “fuck it” and stopped serving news content to Canadian and Australian users when they tried legislating around it. I’m curious if UK users won’t just get geoblocked out of many major services lol

I was about to ask the same question. It’s one thing to think of the potential impacts of AI technology, but to be “against AI” in the most general sense is, to me, a weird concept, especially considering AI is so many things.

OP still wants search indexing, in which case it’s a big no-no - it can be perceived as spam by search engines, and links your pages to tons of unrelated keywords.