Fluffery Pannekoeken Omada - @fluffery@fedi.omada.cafe https://fluffery.omada.cafe

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 06, 2023


Am i the only one who doesnt use telegram for porn

Multi-user collaboration, and trying to provide a whole Google suite replacement, but my use is multi-user collaboration, & sharing it without downloading (same manner you share Google docs)

Also thanks w/ privatebin, didnt need it but thanks 👍

I think im gonna do cryptpad because it is e2ee

Etherpad or Cryptpad
Etherpad and Cryptpad are both web-office suites etherpad focuses on the fact that you can collaborate in it Cryptpad is onlyoffice in web

Pixelfed for true alternative PWA works Instander exists

One thing i like about adgaurd is DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-TLS, and DNSCrypt

It’s not that, if it was, they wouldn’t have said instagram of all things

Me saying i won’t respond unless you use signal wormed

I would have a home Server but electricity is expensive, kinda off the table

Music Player
I currently use spotify with modifications with adblockers. I know this is not the best setup and I would want to have atleast a better one

Yea for shipping you need it, but you can do smth with the Backend,There was smth that site did