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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Try onlyoffice: https://www.onlyoffice.com/

I think libreoffice has more functions, but is a bit confusing at the beginning and sadly quite ugly. So if you belong to those who cannot work in ugly environments, and use office for simple and small documents onlyoffice is perfect. It looks better and is closer to word…

I dont know find my on Apple. So not sure if This is what you look for, but I use find My device from fdroid store https://gitlab.com/Nulide/findmydevice You can whitelist phonenumbers from people you trust and if from their number a codeword is send to your phone via SMS, it autonatically sends an SMS with its location back. but i dont know it This is what you are Looking for and if its compatible with Apple…

I am also german. Of course not everyone here cares about privacy, but in average much more people than in other countries I would say. But the “average german” uses FB and WhatsApp. However, many like me never had them installed.

I think it’s because of our recent history full of spying secret services (Nazis and east germany) and the education in family and in school about the history. My family is from East germany. The stasi (east german secret service) observed everyone they could with hidden microphones in private rooms, reading your lettters, force your friends to spy on you etc. So the people that raised me are very aware of spying… From my grandparents and parents stories I cared about privacy from the beginning. My parents also used Linux since I remember them using computers and gave us phones with lineage etc… …