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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2024


Patent not mean intent, but idea is there.

For one, there’s a recognition that an occupant’s “natural inclination to seek minimal or no ads” should be balanced with “maximum opportunity for ad-based monetization.” The patent, basically, says that it will use a few different algorithms to bypass occupants’ preference for zero ads by playing ads at certain times, attempting to minimize disruption by understanding the context.

If i bypass a girl preference for zero physical contact with me, it called rape.

No db, only get password from master and domain/username.

Things like you can’t simply change your master password, you must then recompute and change every site.

Obviously, it does not store password, only create them.

Full fledged password managers also typically provide other secret management features

Then they not password manager, they secret manager. With maybe random key generator.

only some asymmetric ecryption (rsa already known) vulnerable to quantum and still need much more qbit to work good.

symmetric encryption (aes) not known to be vulnerable, but maybe in future

Cloud can go down, cloud can delete my file, cloud can be hacked and someone try crack encryption (rsa vulnerable to quantum compute in future, maybe similar happen to aes).

Is there manager than create password based on masterpassword and domain/username? Do not want to lose all password just because drive dies. Do NOT want to use cloud anywhere.

I think divest most supported because based on lineage. But not nearly as secure as graphene.

Edit: i think most of benefit of custom rom is not really security, read graphene faq on future device, say most hardware not secure enough on own. more like privacy, choice and control. most custom rom probably enough for that.

if you want real linux, look at postmarket. but not great experience iirc because hardware thing.