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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


Nearly everyone I know from India uses WhatsApp so this statement checks out. I wish my own friends and family would stop using iMessage/SMS and use something like Signal. The only other app they use is Snapchat and I kinda hate that one.

So with Topics and the removal of 3rd party cookies Google can then have a monopoly on behavior based ad tracking since they also have 64% of the browsing market. This is also bad.

Yeah, it’s lame considering how easy it is to automate Chrome.

Basically, the proposal will allow websites to check if there is a real user on the other end, instead of a robot. It uses a DRM style token system to do it. The problem is that this would restrict the web to just those browsers that have an implementation of the DRM. The only implementations of the DRM available are from Google, Apple, and Microsoft. Anyone not on a browser approved by the big 3 would no longer be able to use the web.