fuck spez

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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Feb 23, 2024


You can enter any random email and password, there’s no need to type any specific one. Or you could add the registry key that prevents the requirement.

Wow. You’re extremely on point. No logical counterarguments but rather several downvotes for a field I’m very familiar with. Downvotes determine the validity of a comment, not their content.

I got permabanned for inciting violence too about a week ago too. You know the deluded asshole who killed his dad, Justin M whatever his name was? Well it was in the r/all news for a day so I figured people would want to see it. Posted it in a gore sub with the nsfw tag and put a neutral title. It wasn’t politically motivated or anything, it was just a video that was recently talked about and interesting to me and maybe others, I thought. Well, it got deleted. Several fucking days after it was removed did I get a random permaban message and banner. No inciting violence anywhere.

I’ve been banned specifically for things too when a whole thread of similar comments weren’t.

I’ve also had random warnings and bans for weird shit like u/EdibleFriend. I wish I left reddit sooner but reddit has a huge userbase and well established communities. A monopoly on everything sadly. I spent my time writing comments for others, not for spez or “reddit”.
If anyone’s deleting their comments, make sure to edit beforehand. If you’re not banned, use powerdeletesuite. If banned, you’ll have to use redact then shreddit. I don’t want to advertise them but those were the only two I could find after some hours of trying to delete my data. Nuke reddit is gone. Redact doesn’t delete but rather edits and I think shreddit actually deletes. I left mine up so all the scrapers can override any previous data, or so I hope. I don’t trust redact honestly so I did it in a vm. Make sure to remove all saved, hidden, blocked, etc. posts, comments, users, and subs and replace it with random shit.

I wish people could learn from my comments or read their contents but there were too many comments to selectively delete. fuck spez and fuck reddit.