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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Reminds me of what happened to the pipe tobacco sub after Reddit banned trading of tobacco.

What had been a thriving sub of trading, sharing, well written reviews and friendly discussion quickly became stagnant and started leaning towards people showing off their expensive pipes and tobacco orders. Without the people who came for the trading and stayed to chat, the sub became boring quickly.

Well you can just skip over the sponsors manually, I did it for ages before discovering SponsorBlock. Nowhere near as bad as unskippable ads.

Plus there are the occasional Youtubers that will actually do entertaining sponsor reads, whereas YouTube ads are always unbearable. Haven’t seen one on my own devices in… Well, I think I was running adblockers before the creation of YouTube. Pour one out for “The Proxomitron”, ancient ancestor of today’s adblockers.

When you don’t want to download a messaging app, you still have SMS…

You all still have SMS