General love of all things linux and the choice it provides. I prefer to hang my hat in gentoo with e16 but do like to keep up with other stuff.

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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Feb 06, 2024


@perishthethought You could very easily use #Lutris as a launcher for each game! Just set them up as you were launching a single game from the terminal. As far as a 3rd party GUI goes though, #RetroArch really is the most straight forward yer gonna find. Setting it up is not as huge an undertaking as it first appears. I’d be happy to help you get it configured if you need, just holler.

@twinnie Everything @d3Xt3r said, plus, #wayland just aint quite there yet. Do yer gamin in #X with #amdgpu and be happy.