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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


I use it because I don’t want ads related to my stupid ass search.

You’ve never operated a public-facing website, have you?

In the past 24 hours alone, I’ve had at least 344 bot attempts on my personal site. A handful are harmless crawlers but most are hoping to hit a vulnerability.

Captchas are necessary to prevent malicious bot activity. It’s unfortunate that it also means it’ll be a pain for users.

Won’t be an issue for courts. In fact, the original text prediction software came from the Enron Corpus - a trove of emails gathered by the FERC during their lawsuit against Enron.

Now, companies will absolutely not be friendly about this. The number one reason most companies are hesitant to AI is because they don’t want to risk giving sensitive data to an outside company.