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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


This. The best you can do is encrypt your messages locally before sending. But then your email service provider still knows where you are, when and to whom you are sending the message to, and how long is it. And so does the recepient’s email provider and anyone in between. Best they can do is to promise not to keep that data. But it’s just that - a promise, which there is no way to verify.

You must have good VPS’s then. Mine are all lowendbox-level $2-3/mo ones. But, even though I don’t have nor use either, I’m pretty sure that both reddit and netflix would tell you to get bent if you try to connect via ec2 or any other major cloud provider.

Also, free VPS’s?? That a thing?

Even if you don’t share the nodes, they know whether an ip belongs to a datacenter or not and so ban them preemptively. My IPs are all just mine and are clean as a whistle, but most of them are banned on lots of services anyway.