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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jul 19, 2023


When it was shown that Zuck was actively undermining American Democracy, without care for consequence, I deleted my Facebook account, have never used it’s messenger, don’t Insta or META anything ever. Same with Twitter, I mean, why would you choose to contribute anything to these monsters … so you can stay in touch with high school friends you never chat, call or speak to?

Ad Blocking is Cyber Security, never ever let anyone convince you differently

My impression is the thing with modern day ad tracking, selling information to spammers, and hackers is, even if you secure your browser tighter than a drum, any one of your browser extensions, which we’ve given permission to read all site data on every site you visit and interact with, could be keeping extensive logs on your activity and selling that away to the highest bidder. Am I understanding that right?

thanks for the tip, i’m already on firefox, but when run it said i had “some protection” for both blocking tracking ads, and blocking invisible trackers, added privacy badgers after reading your post, because why not, and now it says YES for both

17.54 bits of identifying information tho :0

Recently tried moving from Chrome to Firefox, and found that on some websites, Firefox bogged down like I’d never seen it do on Chrome, to the point of making some sites like Mastodon Advanced Web interface, and Tumblr, unusable, no matter what I did. Downloaded Brave after seeing this post, imported all my settings, and both those above mentioned sites are behaving normally again, so until Google does something to break all chromium bases browsers I think I’ll be checking out Brave for a while, really wanted Firefox to work, but it just didn’t

when lastpass screwed around with it’s free tier offering, i switched to bitwarden and haven’t felt any reason to use or even try anything else, it’s rock solid

Intel driver updates, once the very pinnacle of sobriety and professionalism, have degenerated into the wild west of driver dissemination reminiscent of the very early days of Windows adoption, where, sometime the shit works, and sometimes it doesn’t.

There’s been a good 20 years of knowing if you downloaded an intel driver, that shit is going to fix your fucking problem. Not any longer.

Over the last year, especially with the Intel Driver scan tool, the Video drivers have repeatedly caused my screen to blackout and I’ve had to restore the previous non intel provided driver for my Arc capable video chip. Bluetooth drivers have also been shit.

It’s not as funny as Peace, Love and Understanding but for most of us it’s all we’ve got left