u/ORIOLESFan02YT on reddit. Deleted my reddit account because of u/spez

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


The TLDR is that it’s a new wifi standard/generation. It means WiFi 6. It’s not entirely important, but some phones display that to show you that you’re using fairly recent technology.

I’m currently using Graphene and I love it. There are some features in this OS that i have never seen before. It feels like I’m just running a regular OS. I don’t notice anything unusual.

One thing I really like with gOS is the ability to remove network permission on apps. I use Gboard with no network, and I have found it so far to be the best keyboard for me.

Because I want to repair and fix my things without needing special software or proprietary tools. Along with a userbase of American teens who will treat you like shit just based on the phone you have.

I’m so glad I switched away.

  • De-google your life when they post on YT, a Google service.

  • Get that narcissistic mofo outta here. The Madison situation blew everything over the water.

I didn’t see that option when I looked.

Edit: I see it now, but I believe it’s too expensive for an app that is supposed to give you directions.

You don’t need to charge a subscription for offline maps. That defeats the whole purpose of offline maps.

Edit: I could understand if it was a one time purchase, but as it’s a subscription, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen for an “offline maps app”

Because a subscription is definitely a viable alternative.

Ahh yes, let me install an Android PacKage on an iPhone

But isn’t it open sourced? Can’t they have like a buymeacoffee? Not lock the most important feature behind a paywall?

Who in their right mind would charge a subscription fee to download and/or update maps?

Edit: I only found out about this after my father downloaded the app on his phone, and it said he only has 5 downloads remaining before downloading the map for my state. It’s extremely dumb for a “privacy focused maps app”

Autocorrect, not removing my corrections after I hit the backspace key, being able to disable the suggestion boxes, being able to customize it to my liking, and a couple other things that I’m currently forgetting about.

I use Gboard cause it’s the only keyboard that has the preferences that I want. I’m on GrapheneOS, so I just disable the network connection for Gboard.

I’m pretty sure I heard that graphene could possibly prevent a pegasus-style attack.

If you plan to get a GM vehicle, from what I’ve seen. Most OnStar modules are right behind the infotainment screen. However, if you remove that, you lose your microphone.