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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 04, 2023


Should have posted that chain-text to my Facebook wall years ago so my profile would be blue and safe…

Please forgive me,… I failed you all… 😭

No, there’s a US phonenumber, “tollfree” (as if that matters when I’m in Europe, it’ll still cost me a lot either way), and it connects you to a multiple choice voice recording with no option to speak to a real person, and most support related stuff apparently just tells you to go click the “help link at the bottom of the facebookpage”. First of all, suspended I have little to no options anymore as the site tries it’s best to lock you out completely, even preventing you from seeing stuff you can see fine when logged out, and secondly, if I use another account for it: There is no bottom of the facebookpage, it’s infinite scroll… 😅 Anyway, I did use the “report a problem” a bunch of times, but that apparently had no effect either… I also tried dm’ing Facebook on Twitter as some say they sometimes answer there, but apparently I’m not part of that sometimes and got no reaction there either. 🤷‍♂️

I’m from Europe, but sueing costs money… 😕

Yeah, I recently lost my 14-year-old Facebook account with no option to download my data while suspended. The suspension even was a bug following me setting my account to hacked by accident and releasing it (which took 2 days) again… Half a day after I set it to ‘not hacked’ anymore, changing my email snd password, it flew in suspension, to which I was given 1 attempt at 'Disagree’ing, which I did, but it’s been slmosty 4 months now: the page still says to check back often for a result, but when I log out it tells me I haven’t 'disagree’d yet (though it will not allow me to redo it)… Lost 14 years of journalling data and uploaded creations in a second… 😕

Best of all: There’s absolutely no decent support system where you can go if their “automation” fails… They expect the automation and a basic faq suffices for whatever problem you have, and have no way to complain about it if it doesn’t…

I don’t think Google has a decent support system anymore either… They should fine big monopolistic companies if they can’t even provide a decent support system for exceptional cases, imho…

This is what the fingerprinting your phone is for. They save interests and info about you attached to the fingerprint of your device and share that with any other service that asks to retrieve it, including another Instagram account on the same device.

Edit: just fyi, I do not mean actual fingerprint unlocking, but just a unique identifier they create depending on your setup.

BNP Paribas Fortis. They’re the first to replace ‘Maestro’ (by Mastercard but mainly only accepted in and close by Belgium) with the new VISA alternative of it, giving me a cardnumber which is also a working visa number and enabling me to use it on any website like a credit card…

My bank’s VISA functionality on my bankingcard not only requires a 2FA confirmation with a cardreader digipass every payment, but apparently also gives back an ‘expired’ answer when it gets checked after payment for ‘saving it for future purchases/subscriptions’, so most sites won’t and the ones that do have me removing and readding it everytime I want to pay… A bit of a hassle, yes, but it does prevent rogue companies from taking anything I’m not acknowledging behind my back and made the use of proxy-cc’s obsolete. It’ll just add another technical step through another service, which is just one extra thing that can bug out, while still having to do the digipass thing everytime anyway (or even remove and readd it there if it’s not able to save my card either.) 😅

Yeah, soon we’re gonna have to hard-encrypt our personal files on our own device (with the hassle of manual decrypting with password when needed) because we might get accused of having stored babypictures of ourselves or our children…

Ridiculous, really…

I still think it’s not very nice to go break into people’s devices for the sole purpose of seeing what they do in private. Dunno if this is just yet another of my unpopular opinions, I’m known to think differently about key subjects, but I don’t need or want any spyware to possibly misjudge a naked picture of my gf to either send it to some stranger to look at or, even worse, temporarily flag me as something I’m not until I have to go show them the picture for human review myself, at which point damage will already have been done. This already happened to one guy using MS’s OneDrive (which is why I emptied out my OneDrive and stay away from it these days), please keep my local computer storage safe from surveillance… 😕

I get that child-abuse needs to stop (or preferably never have existed at all in the first place), but nothing justifies surveiling private information that has no intent of doing harm. I would even advocate that it’s the buying/selling of it and of course the creation of it which does the harm, and not the merely having a misjudged file you found one drunk winternight on the free web and stored somewhere. I still think these people are sick and I do share the population’s general feelings of wanting to castrate every last possible one of them, but actually doing that would go against so many other of my base principles, of which “you do you if you don’t bother another” is a big one for example… I’d say to leave people that (however disgusting their tastes are) don’t do actual harm alone and focus on the ones that actually do hurt kids. It’s easy to ignore, but in the end facts seem to show that (with exceptions of course due to human diversity) it seems to be a form of unintentional sexual preference rather than bad intent. If they do not act on it, it’s just something they can’t help having. And if they can’t help having it, it just doesn’t feel right disrupting lives and defaming people on that base alone.

Anyway, vote me down if you must, I’m used to having the unpopular opinion, but please don’t get me wrong: I’m not advocating for anyone that actually has CSAM stored, but for the rest of us that doesn’t want the possible wrongful implication - resulting in unnecessary show-and-tells about private pictures - of it either. I’m not that much interested in punishing people for what they ‘might’ do wrong, while it already seems impossible to get rid of all those that actually do/try/intent… 🤷‍♂️

“the register of prohibited information”,…

That just sounds to me like Russia has some powerful locked-up black magic.