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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023

Soulworker steam version. Anyone else playing? Have you gotten Alt to work to toggle your mouse curs
I've been playing Soulworker since Xigncode got proton support, however I've yet to find a proper fix for this little annoyance. A workaround I've been successfully using is just opening my inventory or some other menu to bring up the cursor. When I mash Alt rapidly I can see the mouse cursor appear for a few frames, so it's trying. Possibly seeing double input? Thanks for any help!

I stuck with Wayland because literally streaming is the only thing that’s screwy for me, it still largely works. I have 4 monitors and x11 don’t like that so much…

Keep in mind that Nobara uses Wayland by default and you will have some issues with streaming. Nothing you can’t configure and work around, it’s just Wayland has some privacy “features” that prevents apps from listening to each other unless you give them explicit permission.

As long as proton has good and proper support. Like not pushing an update for the game if it breaks proton for example. You know, actually test things and don’t make us feel like an after thought.