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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Oct 15, 2023


Lemmy does not remove exif data (unless the code has changed), you need to remove it yourself (also a good practice in general)

i’ll have to read their audit. thanks for the pointer

so what’s the benefit here? just to not broadcast to your credit card/crypto chain that you purchased it? i assume they still have logs with the ip address you’re connecting from

yeah totally, definitely not trying to say it’s a hopeless situation. there are many helpful tools to help with having some. i just have been following and involved with data collection and it’s a bit of a mess - the idea that anything can happen without at least the 13 eyes knowing seems almost impossible

i can’t tell if you’re trolling… in most countries we don’t have privacy, everything is attached to the cloud and data mined already - unless it’s offline with no input/output that could touch the internet, there is no privacy