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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


It is though, I’ve been using non ie/edge browsers for over 15 years, but that’s not why the EU went after them. It was because you could not change certain types of links and windows OS searches to open in anything other than edge

Could you argue in good faith please, or at least do some basic research on your points first

This argument is like saying the switch needs to include steam os software because they’re both handheld gaming devices

Also, as I said previously, it’s incredibly easy to install things on the steam deck, I don’t think there is any way they could make it easier because you would just install it like any other Linux program

You either don’t own a deck or don’t know how to use desktop mode

… but you would then just install them if you want them. Do you own a steam deck?

It’s already as easy to access them as it is on any other Linux OS. It’s not valve’s fault epic has no official Linux launcher. You can already add non-steam shortcuts to the steam os side easily, this is not on valve to fix