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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I read the other day something about being a limitation that google official app only supports that and all the other are forced to use the same to be compatible.


Also you can’t change it on your side, a server and the part tou have in your authenticator need to be in sync. There’s no point to change only on your side if the server was not configured to also use the same settings I guess.

Been using mullvad for at least 3 years, no major problems so far.

Currently I’m not using it so much and my subscription ended 2 months ago, so I’m using the free version of proton which is good enough for the basics of using public wifi.

It’s cool, needs some more work and eventually integrations with it. It’s nice to have an alternative to keybase but the things around keybase still need to be created.

And please keep the reminder that most cookie popups are not required and it’s mostly bad actors/companies that keep insisting on being annoying by saying they are just complying when in fact they are forcing all that on purpose on us users so we turn out heads to hate on the law instead.

It’s a feature that keeps being said to be “almost ready”, but phone number for registration will continue to be required from what I understand. What they were working on was the ability to have usernames to connect to strangers and other people without the need to share the phone number.

Understanding is simple. Every few years, 5 or 8 or 10, there’s a big marketing push and brain wash around trying to destroy encryption by using the excuse of CSAM. Nothing new, a play as old as ever. It’s basically (and really the whole point) trying to pass mass surveillance into law hoping that people forget the arguments of the last time or that people are not paying attention or trying to put it wrapped into a different gift wrapping and see if it goes into effect before anyone notices. The time frames for these things are getting smaller and smaller and more and more people don’t care at all about privacy and basic rights and are ok with things like mass surveillance. It will eventually pass.

It’s as if it’s a big problem to manage one more platform between all the ones they already do. Lot’s of apps and options to just automatically cross post content to multiple platforms too or just mirror mastodon to Twitter or vice versa.

At this point, ignoring or avoiding another platform where so many people already are is just laziness.