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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


I’m confused regarding why you don’t consider telegram a private messenger.

Try kagi.com

I you have to pay for it, but t’s amazing

This must be illegal in states where one or two party consent is required for wire tapping though, right?

Is Facebook bad for privacy?

Whatsapp is Facebook. Literally. Whatsapp sold themselves to Facebook.

So yes: it’s bad for privacy.

Aggregates video on many platforms into a single search and feed, so Twitter YouTube and Facebook for example are all in the same app

Your point is not unique: all websites require your trust.

So if that’s your threat model you can’t use any search engine.

But if we want to put that aside and discuss their stated policy, then the link I provided addressed the parent statement that

In some cases they must retain the information. Like your ISP in the USA had to retain data for le purposes.

Which directly refutes that there is any such requirement.

Your statement contradicts their stated policy, and I’m not aware of any such requirement in the US.


IP retention is addressed in the first paragraph under “privacy policy”, and it stated they don’t save or log it.

Right, they must respond to a subpoena. But they don’t retain search records, do they?

Duck duck go protects you from this, correct?

Why would anyone use Google after this precedent?

When you installed it, could you have been in “do not disturb” mode? The author indicated that DND will prevent the necessary notification.