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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I am sorry, but I don’t see the third straight side.

Samsung has Routines. Might be worth to check out of its possible to run it outside OneUI.

I mean, GDPR is a fucking disaster. Nobody is getting it right, same with cookie consent. This is because the last time geriatric imbeciles at the European parliament seen a computer was back at 98.

Since all those people are using it, it kinda doesn’t matter for them. As if not having their data harvested from every single click makes them not care about GDPR and the other bullshit. What a surprise.

Matrix. You can host any version you want, and when you have to update, just do a version diff between you current and latest versions and check yourself.

Is it possible to seamlessly integrate, so when something requests those keys you’ll get a prompt?

For once the username actually reflects the intelligence of a user.

I am like 90% sure they use it regardless.

Wash your cyber hands, use good quality, cyber soap, cyber shower regularly 👌

“As you can see on this graph, the Twitter axis represents time, and the Y axis represents total number of unique visitors”

Haven’t seen his answer here yet, but I use Zoho. It has a free tier IIRC and supports custom domain.

Not sure how private it is, tho.

I always wonder why those VPN absolutists aren’t happy with your regular HTTPS. Sure, maybe HTTP is safer with the VPN, but it just hides your real IP from the target website.

I kind of agree. While I think they are not that bad as far as advancements go, most of it is shitstained by Musk, who has to be seen at all cost and have to be seen as the ultimate inventor of everything.

He wants to be seen, stay relevant, and be the boss of everything, that he usually makes dumb decisions, which is a stain on a company mostly relying on a foundation of very intelligent people.