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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Then let’s agree to disagree, in my experience they’ve been more of a hassle to deal with. Eg trying to fix the weird DPI/tiny cursor issue in the flatpak version of Steam was a pain, same with trying to pass custom flags to flatpak Edge. It’s just one hassle after another. I can deal with a couple of apps here and there, but I can’t imagine having the entire system depend on Flatpak as a crutch.

As for your Wine example, I’m not sure which application you’re referring to, but Wine is basically portable and doesn’t need installing, eg for Wine-GE, you just need to download and extract the tarball and set the correct WINEPREFIX/path, so you can easily have multiple versions of Wine on your system without Flatpak or anything complicated.

I’m running Nobara right now on my AMD Thinkpad and it’s been great for gaming. Steam, Proton, Lutris and ofc all drivers and codes are already included by default which greatly simplifies install, plus the kernel is already tweaked so there’s no need to install a custom kernel.

Flatpak apps are a PITA for interoperability and modifications though, so I’ll stick to traditional RPMs thanks. I prefer the ease and flexibility of tinkering with my system more than anything else.

XFCE supports window snapping. Just go into Settings manager -> Window Manager and at the Advanced tab, you will have the option to check Windows snapping

I’d highly recommend checking out Nobara, it’s based on Fedora but optimized for gaming. In addition to supporting nVidia out of the box, it has a ton of tweaks and gaming related apps pre-installed, such as Steam and Lutris, which is a huge time saver. Should be the most out-of-the-box gamer friendly distro, outside of SteamOS I reckon.