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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: May 30, 2022


You need to add the IzzyOnDroid F-Droid repo.

I’ve been using Breezy since it replaced Geometric Weather. It’s a fantastic app.

I sends notifications for weather warnings and has a lot of info depending on the meteorological data provider.

I use OSS Weather also as a complement.

It should not. Some phones don’t play well with private DNS though, mostly entry level ones that thrives on spying.

I think Infomaniak would give her a more similar experience to Gmail if you’re in Europe. 20GB of mail storage + 15GB on KDrive, contact app, document editing, visio, file transfer, etc.

No it’s not. Unless by beginner you mean geek that’s beginning with Linux.

I work with elderly people, they’re the real beginners and I’ll never install a Manjaro on their machines.