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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


yeah but without the context in the OP, I saw a lot of people making assumptions

the worst part is that a lot of them like want to fight me on what to do in the app? Like little child… you asked ME for help.

yeah I think its that last one. They do it cause that’s what other people are using too. Also talking to random’s on the bus is like playing russian roulette here unfortunately.

tiktok without the rules pretty much

I feel the same way when someone asks if I use kik.

Like I just know that’s not someone I want to continue to associate with.

yeah, I work in tech and often talk to zoomers who can’t figure out how an app works.

Can I ask why you didn’t post this context in the OP post?

Couple summers ago we met some friendly folks drinking high proof vodka out of a Powerade bottle

holy shit I was a little worried this was about to be a story about how you met me and my ex.

I see LOADS of younger looking people using messaging on insta when I take the bus.

I have had people say right to my face in person that, they were never going to talk to me online and would only ever talk to me in person.

I lost a lot of friends when COVID happened. Because they all refused to talk to me online.