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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Mar 05, 2024


I know my credit score has something to do with it, for some reason. I’ve talked to an insurance actuarial and they use that in their premium formula.

e. as my credit score went +100 pts my insurance went down, co-incidentally? Liability only, so it isn’t depreciation of the asset. If anything, on average, an older car would be more dangerous, more liable to have the wheel fall off and collide with a Bentley or something.

they’ll probably mandate the thing the insurance companies want to put into the car. I’d save money as a good driver, but it doesn’t taste right.

do the police have this system for each car, link it to when the siren is off. I see a lot of shenanigans goings on

If it is an actual emergency go ahead and speed mr policeman, but you trying to get home early doesn’t mean you can drive 95. - The Public.

maybe it is the Metadata that is wanted, not the personal info, per se?

natural persons. good idea. corporations are not natural persons over there

maybe one of my “r/CrazyIdeas” will actually be looked at!