Just a geek, finding my way in the fediverse.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I can’t think of how there could be any but I’m not a lawyer 🤷

You’re just preventing unwanted content from reaching your device.

Host it yourself with Ladder : D


I started hosting this when 12ft wasn’t working for many things. I told a friend and they said “what about 1ft?” Which I hadn’t seen before. Now that other commenters said 1ft is shutting down, I’m glad I went ahead with self hosting Ladder

Also might check out /c/selfhosted for more self hosting info.

Ugh, I also have a special hatred for touch screen anything in cars.

Give me fucking knobs and buttons. I don’t want to have to stop looking at the road while I drive a 1000kg death machine because I can’t adjust the air con without looking.

I’m running it on phone, tab (long ago), and desktop… What do you mean?

I think I’ll continue sticking to “dumb” cars… at least as much as they’re available.

The “smart” fad can go fuck a duck.

EDIT: I misread. I don’t know what an Amazon assistant is. I’m talking about an Amazon echo below

I have one at a cabin in the mountains that has no internet or cell service. It required internet access to sync/auth with my phone so I did it at home then moved it to the cabin. I think it needed to be auth’d to an Amazon account, despite never planning or wanting to use it with an account. It was a “prize” from work.

It is literally impossible for it to connect to the internet at its location but it is a pretty good speaker. Perhaps the loneliest IoT device ever, but I’d never use it in a connected state.

If you only want it for a speaker, you could wall it off to prevent Internet access even at home