/u/clay_pigeon on Reddit

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


I don’t use graphene (yet?) but Player FM is pretty good. I had their paid plan for years. I’m on PocketCasts now.

Are there any comment shredding utilities that still work after the API apocalypse? I’m an American, so I can only look at you GDPR-havers in jealousy.

How do you do that? It sounds cool. I’d be happy to add traffic to the network.

Exactly. My car is 10-15 years old, and the touchscreen handles the climate control, radio, gps, phone, interior lighting, and ton of ancillary features. I doubt it’s possible to replace the system with anything but an OEM replacement unless you’re a really dedicated hardware hacker.

It may be that the car company doesn’t want to pay more for the cell service than they need to; if they can push the download onto your cell plan it’s cheaper for them.