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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


it’s the same type of non-performative speech you see when any company says “we value our customer’s complaints”, or “we work hard to have a diverse and inclusive team”, as if by merely saying these things that it magically becomes true

ah but meta has cracked it this time; if they just say “we never sell your info” that means they don’t, right?

if you’re serious, then here’s two places i recommend to make a start on that train of thought

https://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org should clue you in on which “advanced economies” might skew towards the life factors that interest you

and https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison-tool might help you narrow down which of these will be a better cultural fit

i’m aware there’s a lot of subjectivity in these two links but, it could help you make a start.

many people are great at saying “get me out of here” online, but not many people follow up that thought, and ask themselves “but where to?”

be one of those who answers the second question. start working on your escape today! 💪