Deliverer of ideas for a living. Believer in internet autonomy, dignity. I upkeep instances of FOSS platforms like this for the masses. Previously on Twitter under the same handle. I do software things, but also I don’t.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


+1 for StandardNotes. It’s been a wonderful product.

I would highly consider leveraging the AsteroidOS project – a privacy-focused linux smart watch effort – on one of their approved devices. That link should bring you straight to the watches they support.

Pine Time works well with Pine Phone, but only has basic functionality with other Android devices, like notifications. Not much else last I looked, but I may be out of sync with the community’s development efforts.

The Bangle.js 2 smart watch is another open source device you could look into.

LibreTranslate has a FF addon:

Likewise, I think FF has (or will have?) a native capability to translate, as well: