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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2024


I have two separate keepass containers, one for passwords and another for TOTP.

Bless their souls. I cringe whenever I have to open a Reddit page from browser. And I know that old.reddit.com won’t last forever.

Very unlikely to exist. Libreddit (that didn’t support user login to start with) was discontinued a while ago, and Reddit’s hostile stance on 3rd party clients in general means any project gaining prominence will get killed before they become popular. RedReader (an Android app) is only permitted to use its API for free because of public outcry due to accessibility issues involving blind users. A web frontend with user login support for Reddit will get hunted down by Reddit’s legal department if it ever reaches maturity.

Piggybacking on the comment. I also use syncthing to sync my keepass containers. Have you encountered duplication of database files (e.g. filename-sync-conflict-*), and if so, how have you solved them? I simply merge the files through KeepassXC when it happens.